SAFE Regeneration - Neighbourhood transformation
Case study
Image © SAFE Regeneration
“Everyone deserves to live in a happy, healthy neighbourhood”.
That’s the heart of SAFE Regeneration’s mission — a charity nurturing social and economic regeneration in deprived communities from it base in Bootle, with a grassroots, collaborative approach.
SAFE Regeneration (SAFE) began life as a small creative arts collective in the late 1990s. The group began winning commissions from hospitals, schools, charities, public services and private contractors to engage communities to co-create public artwork.
After taking up residence in a disused school in Bootle in 2007, SAFE quickly grew, and today is a cherished community hub in the South Sefton Community.
Today they own and manage multiple spaces, and they’ve supported a range of other community development projects through their dedicated entity 123-CIC, including building acquisitions and housing projects. Partnering with Breaking Ground, 123-CIC has facilitated nine Community Land Trusts in Northern England, advancing several projects to the delivery stage.
How it works
SAFE acts as a conduit between the ‘family’ of social organisations and SMEs based with its hub, and major anchor institutions such as Sefton Borough Council, local Public Health and NHS trusts, colleges and universities, housing associations and regeneration bodies.
“Collaborative partnerships are key to unlocking property for community benefit.
These connections make it easier to identify and secure funding for would-be community developers, and engage with owners of vacant buildings.”
— Brian Dawe, CEO, Safe Regeneration
SAFE now owns and manages:
The Lock & Quay community pub & Gardens
Safe Community Business Hub (housing 13 other social enterprises)
7 acres of growing space and public space adjacent to a stretch of the Liverpool/Leeds canal
Community businesses within SAFE (Image © SAFE Regeneration)
Image © SAFE Community Business Hub
Upcoming projects include:
The #DestinationBootle initiative is part of the £100 million Bootle Area Action Plan, aimed at developing a canal side neighbourhood with integrated community facilities. This plan includes a Creative and Digital Hub, artists' studios, business units, a canal side eatery, and guest accommodation, alongside 147 affordable rent apartments and houses. Delivered by 123 Accommodation CIC (123-CIC) over 6.6 acres, the project involves multiple landowners including SAFE Regeneration, Sefton Council, and Canals & Rivers Trust.
Destination Bootle © SAFE Community Homes CLT
With support from:
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